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Stacia Kurianova Agency is company with heritage, history, superior innovations, continuous improvement in all business directions, progressing due to the fare business pursue and dedication to its customers. To gain high quality result, we acting for overtaking & foreseeing, as well as maintaining ethical standards and perceiving the demands of our customers, partners and competitors.

Stacia Kurianova Agency possesses all relevant industry testimonials & certificate allowing to provide high level services.

Over the last decades, Stacia Kurianova Agency supported and successfully fulfilled above 250 international audits, sponsored by the worldwide pharmaceutical companies. Our aspiration and knowledge-based method allows us to get the relevant awards and appraisals from our customers and partners.
Your ideas in our performance …
Stacia Kurianova Agency possesses all relevant industry testimonials & certificate allowing to provide high level services.

Over the last decades, Stacia Kurianova Agency supported and successfully fulfilled above 250 international audits, sponsored by the worldwide pharmaceutical companies. Our aspiration and knowledge-based method allows us to get the relevant awards and appraisals from our customers and partners.
Stacia Kurianova Agency is company with heritage, history, superior innovations, continuous improvement in all business directions, progressing due to the fare business pursue and dedication to its customers. To gain high quality result, we acting for overtaking & foreseeing, as well as maintaining ethical standards and perceiving the demands of our customers, partners and competitors.

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Logistics Academy

For the Recognition & Dedication, Perseverance & for Demonstrating Leadership and Achievement in their Occupation, Industry or Profession.
Awards for the Industry Achievements.
Awards for the Dedications
to the field of Healthcare.
Logistics of the Year Award
for the Contribution
to the Industry.